Frequently Asked Questions

Why should I choose your approach to support me during or after a faith crisis?

A faith transition is a very difficult time, especially leaving a faith that is deeply enmeshed in so many areas of your life. Some of the skills and support you will gain while working with me are:

- Re-claim yourself as an authority over your life

-Uncover disfunction thought patterns that are keeping you stuck

- Learn how to define and communicate boundaries

-Be in a healing space of acceptance and understanding

-Cultivate and define your own authentic spirituality

-Learn how to benefit from your shadow side, instead of fearing it

-Heal the brain through the bio-sensory feedback technique of Havening

-Explore how negative energy is stored in your body and how to release it

-Be held accountable to your goals and growth

So what are you exactly? Life Coach? Havening Practitioner? Energy Healer?

The simple answer is - Yes!

As I have walked on my professional and personal journey, I have continued to discover and educate myself around different healing modalities. I have always believed that there is never a one-size-fits-all to ANYTHING we do.

Here at the Impassioned Life, I feel strongly that for you to achieve your goals, heal your mind, body, soul, and to thrive in life, we have to cater to what YOU need. In order for me to best serve you, I am trained in several different areas that we can create a combination that best suits your needs.

All of these areas which I am trained have also helped me personally. I can draw from not only all my hours of education, but also my personal experience, and my experience with helping others. I know these techniques work which is why I learned how to facilitate them to bring them into my practice.

What is Havening Technique?

Havening Technique is an innovative healing approach that combines the power of the body and the mind. It was developed and created primarily by Ronald Ruden, MD, PHD. It is a psychosensory therapy that has its roots in neuroscience and neurobiology. 

When we experience a stressful or traumatic life event, our unconscious brain encodes that information to increase our odds of survival in the future. However, some of this stored information is exactly what keeps us in emotional turbulence, causing either over reaction or under reaction (disassociation/avoidance). The Havening process breaks this connection and allows our brain to return to neutral equilibrium.

Havening is not talking therapy but works well for those who have already participated in traditional talk therapy. In Havening, it is not necessary for you to tell your story to experience positive results. You get to decide what to share and what you wish to keep private.

To learn more, watch this video by clicking HERE.

What are the different ways I can work with you?

There are several ways to work with me.

Private 1:1 - Experience the transformational power of an IBEAR healing session. We all bear emotional burdens. IBEAR is about: Intentional, targeted healing work around the body and the emotions. It’s about becoming Self-actualized and reconciling the parts of ourselves that we have neglected, forgotten, ignored, or suppressed. This intense program will help guide you forward to become a person who stands with a solid sense of self, lives with intention, and foresters an impassioned life.

In Person Group Work - I will be holding workshops specifically catered to topics of interest for anyone living in or around the Charlotte, NC area. These will vary from medication circles, somatic release exercises, once a week classes around processing and healing grief, support around faith transitions topics including relationship shifts, nondenominational spiritual growth community meet-ups, and more.

On-Line Zoom Meet-Ups - I know we can’t always be in the same actual space. So thank goodness for cyber space! I will be holding on-line workshops catered to specific topics ranging from growing your authentic spirituality to having boundaries with loved ones. Join if you can or register and watch the recording later!

Sign-up for my email to be kept in the loop on when these great programs will be offered! If you have interest in something specific, don’t hesitate to ask.

Are you still friendly to active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints?

Absolutely! Some of my best friends are still active members of the church. I am friendly to everyone, no matter your religious affiliation. I live by principles of respect, openness, and acceptance. Wherever you are on your spiritual journey, there is a place for you here.