A Spiritual and Philosophical Discussion Community Sponsored by The Impassioned Life

 Sacred Circles NC

“A place containing great thinking is a sacred space.”

— Forrest Church


Sacred Circles Announcement Video From Reh

“The way you alchemize a soulless world into a sacred world is by treating everyone as if they are sacred, until the sacred in them remembers.” -Author Unknown

Mission, Vision, Values


Sacred Circles is a spiritual community where all are welcome, located near Charlotte, NC. We seek to create sacred circles to expand self-awareness and knowledge, create deep friendships, have conscious conversations, and nurture spiritual inspiration and growth. We believe when we lift each other, we lift the world..


Interdependence – a community of unique individuals with diverse backgrounds and belief systems, coming together to intentionally focus on commonality, nurture friendship, and seek support on this journey called Life.


To create a safe place for discussion, self-discovery, and learning, we adhere to the following


-Diverse Perspectives & Opinions

-Individual paths and pursuit of authenticity


-Listening with curiosity over offense

-Suspending judgment  


-Take personal responsibility for your own emotions and actions (stay curious!)

- Considerate discussion over defensiveness (persuading/convincing)

Meet the Directors

Rachael and Richard have both lead and left high demand religion. They bring decades of leadership and teaching experience. They have been through religious deconstruction and spiritual re-construction. Seeking to take the good and leave the rest, Rachael and Richard have a mission to raise the vibration, teach, and lead with passion and enthusiasm.

  • Founder, Head Minister

  • Collaborator, Co-Minister

Come check us out!

Click on our social links above or visit us every 2nd and 4th Sunday @SoulWellness, 500 S. Main St., Mooresville, NC 10AM-11:30AM

Sunday Circles with Sacred Circles NC are donation based. We do not believe basic access to our community should be restricted because of budget or income, we keep the Sunday service donation based.

There are many costs associated with running Sacred Circles NC, including space rental, marketing, supplies, and of course our time and talents. Any donations, no matter the size, are noticed, greatly appreciated, and MAKE A DIFFERENCE. THANK YOU!