Things Learned and Un-Learned

My friend and fellow Certified Spiritual Coach, Jill Jablonski with Soul Spark Healing and Guidance posted a meme on Facebook entitled:

Things I’m Unlearning:

  • Ignoring my own boundaries to please other people

  • Making myself smaller to fit into social situations

  • Pretending like I’m fine instead of asking for support

  • Believing my self-worth depends on my productivity

  • Societal standards of beauty and diet culture bullshit

  • Sacrificing my voice/beliefs to avoid conflict

  • Not celebrating my accomplishments because “others have better ones.”

  • Seeking external validation over self assurance

  • Distracting from hard feelings instead of processing them

It was a timely post for me. I had been reflecting the previous evening on what I've been learning and unlearning in the last three years. ALL of the above listed “things I’m unlearning” rang true for me.... And I continue to try and recognize when I am falling into old habits…. Because auto-pilot happens! Awareness and grace are FAR more important attributes than poisonous perfection!

I was also reflecting about what I've learned and the road I've traveled since March 2020 when my life that was tilting, turned completely upside-down. I’m sure there is more, but here is what I felt inspired to write this morning:

Things I’ve Learned:

  • Crying/letting out emotions makes you strong, not weak or crazy ("over emotional"). So I try to allow myself to feel deeply and cry tears of happiness or sadness every day (even if it's just over a scene in Call the Midwife :)

  • True vulnerability has no outcome expectations attached, and is the most pure and simple way to connect with another person (a safe person worthy of your vulnerability) (Thank you to my coach Michael Zick for helping me really understand and integrate this one!)

  • Life has instore for you both greater challenges and great joys than you can ever imagine, so stay in the present moment the best you can. The hardest times are as meaningful as the sweet, and you can't have one without the other.

  • Healing happens one layer at a time, and requires multiple "balms" or modalities (talk therapy, Havening, coaching, energy work, chanting meditation, journaling, inner child work, breathwork, activities that promote self love, interpersonal connection, body awareness, emotional awareness - I could go on and on! If you want to know more, reach out and lets talk)

  • I say I Love You not just to my family, but to my dearest friends. Because we all need to be reminded every day that we are LOVED and SEEN by a myriad of people in our lives

  • Life is short and unpredictable. We don't really Know anything. Hard as we try. All we really have is Hope and the moment in front of us.

I named my business The Impassioned Life because we can tap into our inner passions - the core fiber of what drives us to FEEL and LIVE- in times of trial and difficulty, AND great love and peace. Our passion is life it's self. It is life lived and felt most deeply and most fully.

I love you my friends. And I wish you a moment of passion in your day today, and everyday.

It's how you know you're ALIVE.

With Love,



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